BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device. This means that the device is owned by the student/family and goes home with them at the end of each day. BYOD allows for anytime, anywhere learning. Many of the students in our school community already own devices and a number of our local schools already have this option in place. It allows students to save their work to the Cloud so it cannot be lost, and can be accessed from home or any other computer with Internet access. There is the potential for collaboration between students, and further opportunities and new methods for teachers to provide feedback to students. It also provides opportunities to communicate and share their learning in a way that will prepare them for the future.
Many of our students already use digital devices outside of school to communicate and learn. We have seen the benefits of integrating these with our school resources so that the potential of these devices can be used to enhance learning further and become an important part of their learning toolkit. The recent COVID-19 lockdowns made us very aware of the benefits of having your own device.
ICT Responsible use Agreement - Middle and Senior.pdf
ICT Responsible use Agreement - Junior School.pdf
ENPS BYOD - Frequently Asked Questions.pdf
ENPS BYOD Parent Presentation T2W2 2022.pptx.pdf
ENPS BYOD Agreement 2022.docx-2.pdf
Senior School BYOD Weekly Device Usage 2022.pdf
Year 3 BYOD Weekly Device Usage 2022.pdf
Netsafe NZ Advice: Buying BYOD for your kids and the classroom